Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Missouri Mayor "Kind of Agrees" with Jewish Center Killer

Proof that no matter how cray-cray you are, or how unforgivably violent your ideas or tendencies are, you can always find a friend somewhere. From Talking Points Memo...

Marionville, Mo. Mayor Dan Clevenger spoke warmly this week of Frazier Glenn Miller, who allegedly went on a killing rampage on Sunday in Overland Park, Kan.

"He was always nice and friendly and respectful of elder people, you know, he respected his elders greatly. As long as they were the same color as him," Clevenger said while laughing, according to television station KSPR. "Very fair and honest and never had a bit of problems out of him."

Clevenger said he sympathized with some of Miller's views, but didn't like to broadcast that.

"Kind of agreed with him on some things but, I don't like to express that too much," Clevenger, the owner of a local repair shop, said.

Oh, Just SECEDE Already!

Cut and pasted from my diary entry at

From the fabled land of the Right-Wing Cray-Cray comes yet another resolution for secession.  From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel...
Earlier this month, the [Wisconsin Republican] party's Resolutions Committee voted in favor of a proposal that says the state party "supports legislation that upholds Wisconsin's right, under extreme circumstances, to secede." Read more from Journal Sentinel:
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Frankly, I'm just about sick and tired of these Teabagger folks' constant smack-talk about secession.  In fact, I've actually gotten to the point where I support secession.  Not for myself, mind you, since my love of this country is not dependent on who's running it (or his skin color), but for the asylum escapees who have spent the past 6 years butt-hurt over the fact that America elected a Black guy as President...TWICE!