Monday, May 12, 2014

Former Ole Miss Guard Tweets Reaction to Michael Sam...Then Spends Next 15 Tweets Cleaning It Up

I love Twitter. Seriously, I just LOVE it. Mostly because it's so easy for some idiot to put their foot in their mouth for the whole world to see. Take this tweet from former Ole Miss guard Marshall Henderson.

Now as you might expect, this let to some serious rebuking from the folks at Ole Miss, particularly their Athletic Director, Ross Bjork, who send out these counter-tweets.

Now it is reasonable to expect that this reprimand via Twitter, and the realization that the NBA draft is coming up next month, probably led to a major "Oh Shit!" moment on the part of Mr. Henderson, since he spent the next 15 tweets trying to explain that it was all just an "experiment", blaming it on the proverbial "Gay friend" (because doesn't everyone have a Gay friend who's talked them into "experimenting").

I won't go into the rest of the series where he calls it a "joke", gives the "see what had happened was" explanation, feigns amazement at the reactions to his tweets, ultimately ending up with what may be taken as a mea-culpa.

The moral here is, be careful what you tweet. You may get just the reaction you're looking for.

Henderson blasts coverage of Michael Sam's kiss, then says it was an experiement (FOX Sports)

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