You are NOT a "Patriot" if...
- You believe the only REAL patriots are people who agree with you and/or belong to your political party.
- Your ideology divides this country into "those little pockets of Real America", and everywhere else.
- You believe "defending America's freedom" simply means sitting in lawn chairs waving a Gadsden (and/or Confederate) flag and screaming racist epithets at passers-by.
- You constantly shout "I want my country back," yet cannot explain how it's been taken away from you (especially since you are NOT a Native American).
- You immediately scream "freedom of speech" the minute someone calls you out on something stupid you said in public.
- The mere suggestion that your kids eat healthier is an infringement on your right to keep them morbidly obese type 2 diabetics.
- You claim you are loosing your rights and freedoms, but can't name one "right" or "freedom" you've actually lost.
- You claim your religious freedom is being oppressed, but seem to have no problem oppressing religions other than your own.
- Your biggest complaint about "political correctness" is that you can no longer be a racist, sexist, homophobic bigot.
- Your main justification for your racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. is "my bible says so".
- You believe that every mass shooting since Obama's been in office has been a "false flag" planted to take away your guns and your bibles. (In fact, what that DOES make you is a raging asshole.)
- You openly carry your gun as an expression of your "Second Amendment rights", but the thought of going near a Black neighborhood terrifies you because of "all those Black people with guns."
- The only time you speak out about what's wrong with this country is when it's being run by a president you don't like (and then only when you think it's his fault).
- You want to impeach the president, but...
- can't name one thing he's done for which he could actually be impeached.
- have no concept of what qualifies as an "impeachable offense".
- have no clue of how the impeachment process works.
- You truly could not have given less of a damn about any of the following prior to January 20, 2009, but now use them as justification for your contempt for this president.
- The deficit
- NSA spying
- Treatment of Veterans
- Drone strikes
- The debt ceiling
- "Fast and Furious"
- IRS Scrutiny (at least when you though it was only being done to Liberals)
- Voter fraud
- Government overspending
- Attacks on our embassies
- Any policy you hate that's been in place since the BUSH administration (or prior)
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