Monday, July 15, 2013

If You Are __________ in America... (A Rant)

The acquittal of George Zimmerman for the murder of Trayvon Martin is another chapter in the sad story of what how rights are "distributed" in this country.  In essence, if you are not a straight White male with a lot of money, YOU HAVE NONE!  (Warning: This is a RANT!)

  • If you are BLACK in America...
    • You can be stopped by any White person, for any reason, whether or not they are in any kind of authority.
    • You are not allowed to offer any kind of resistance or defense when questioned on why you are walking where you are walking.
    • Any defense or resistance offered to your White stalker is grounds for justifiable homicide.
    • Your right to participate in the electoral process in this country is subject to the whim of the White "majority".
    • You greatest achievements and contributions will always be seen as due to some "unfair" advantage.
    • You will be forever seen as a "thug", "criminal", "inferior", and second class by those who are threatened by you for no other reason than the color of your skin.
  • If you are a WOMAN in America...
    • You are not allowed to plan for the kind of family that you want.
    • You are seen as not intelligent enough to make decisions about your own health.
    • You will be forced to have children you do not want, even if they are fathered by your rapist (or your own father).
    • You can be fired by your employer simply for being "too good looking".
    • You are seen as so threatening to the hetero White male power structure that you must be publicly humiliated at every opportunity.
    • Your feminine hygiene products are considered dangerous weapons.
    • Your very presence as anything other than a sexual object is resented.
  • If you are a HISPANIC in America...
    • Your citizenship (legal or otherwise) will be questioned at every turn.
    • Your only worth to the White male establishment is as manual labor.
    • You will always be accused of "taking" jobs from "real Americans", said jobs being those that "real Americans" would NEVER take themselves.
    • No matter how hard you work, or whatever your acheivements, "real Americans" will never see you as one of them.
  • If you are GAY/LESBIAN in America...
    • Your deepest most committed relationships will never be recognized as "real".
    • You are seen as "predators" by people who don't even understand the word.
    • You will be subject to beatings by those who are fear their own latent homosexual tendencies.
      • and thanks to "Stand Your Ground", you may not even have the right to fight back.
    • You are told by people who do not themselves know God that he does not love you, and you deserve to die.
    • You will be blamed for the breakdown of the family unit and the institution of marriage by a society that places little value on either.
    • You will be blamed for every natural and man-made disaster by those accusing you of inviting "God's wrath".
  • If you are any religion other than Christian in America (or none at all)...
    • You are seen as evil, Godless, satanic, sinful, dangerous, hateful, etc., etc., etc.,
    • You are viewed as a terrorist by those who've spent the past 12 years terrorizing anyone not of their "faith".
    • You are told constantly that this country is based on religious freedom, which means you are free to practice their religion and theirs only.
    • Your religion will never be respected in this country because it is considered an "enemy religion".
    • You are told that we are a "Christian nation" by those who are the least Christian among us.  (We're NOT, by the way.)
  • If you are POOR in America...
    • You are blamed for everything that is wrong with society (along with Blacks, Hispanics, and Gays).
    • You are seen as freeloaders, moochers, leeches, and parasites by those who make their living freeloading, mooching, leeching, and parasitically sucking the life out you.
    • You are told to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps, but are given no bootsraps by which to pull yourself up.
    • Any attempt to better yourself with any kind of assistance is seen as "taking" something away from "hard working Americans."
    • There are people in this country who would rather see you starve than see you compete for something they covet.
If you are any of these things in America, you are invisible.  You are cellophane.  You are an inconvenience to be dealt with in the most callous way possible.  You are in the way, and your presence is a constant reminder of the failure of this country to consider the worth, the value, and the contributions of the least of us.  For those of us who do not sit among the 1%, this country is not the "Land of the Free, Home of the Brave".  It is the land of the selfish, the shallow, the callous, and the home of the most cowardly.

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